Time really does fly... 😟

blog week 1&2



blog week 1&2



Another small update on my internship at Sidekick! I'm still working on the last few projects since my time here is almost up... 😞 So sad because I've been enjoying my time here so much and I've learned so much as well! πŸ€—

Right now, I'm mainly working on two web designs: one for Dyantos (a trusted advisor and strategic partner for financial process optimization), and the other is for a jobs website related to E5 Mode (we all know what that is πŸ˜›). Cool stuff in my opinion! 😎 And super fun to work on as well! 🀩

Something really fun happened too, becauseee... I got to talk to the customer directly and tell them about my design during a call. 😱 I was nervous, but it went really well! Luckily! 😁

I will spend my last week finishing these websites and then I'll be done with my internship. 😒 Time has flown by so fast!

Buuut I'll be back next week with my final, yes F-I-N-A-L, blog post. Until then, happy learning and growing! 🌱