Cheers to smiling clients!

blog week 1&2

Happy clients


blog week 1&2

Happy me


Are you ready for another blog post? I hope so, because I'm excited to share what happened during my third and fourth week at Sidekick!

Guess what happened? I successfully completed my first project, and it exceeded the clients' expectations, leaving them very happy! Round of applause for us! 🎉🎉🎉

Feedback? Duh! They wanted to make some adjustments, like toning down the playful style a bit. Seems like we gotta dial down the fun-o-meter a notch or two! But hey, it's all good - we'll give it a tweak here and there to make it just right for them. And that's what we did!

Aaand I'm almost done with my other projects too! Just a few more things to take care of and then I'll be able to move on to my next project. And let me tell you, I'm excited!

Why the excitement? Well, because I have the opportunity to collaborate with Lies, a content creator intern at #US, on a project for a non-profit organization of choice. I won't reveal too much though... You'll have to wait and see what we come up with! *kinda sorry but not really*

Don't let me forget to mention that on International Women's Day, we didn't just sit idly. No no... Instead, we had a kickass photoshoot and the results are amazing!

And that's it for now! I'll be back next time with another blog post. Until then, happy learning and growing!