Hunting for hidden ducks in the office

blog week 1&2

The duckies


blog week 1&2



Wow! These weeks are flying by a bit faster than I expected. I'm almost halfway through my internship... It's crazy, right? Buuut I'm still having a blast here on Sidekick - life couldn't get any better! 😁

Pssst! Curious what's up at your internship after a while? Well, obviously, you get to jump into new projects and rock them like a boss, DUH! 🤓 I've got a bunch of new assignments to work on, like: a rollup banner for Digitale Strategen, a new web design for Green Deal Huren en delen, a rollup banner for Operai and Social media templates for Top Jumps. And all of these projects are super fun to work on!

So, Astrid, my internship mentor, and I just finished the mid-term evaluation, and I must say that... I'm doing great! 🎉 The only thing I gotta work on is picking up the pace and making faster decisions - but that's something I can work on, or at least try to. 🤗

Something hilarious went down this week! Our office (Chronos) had a scavenger hunt for tiny ducks that all the companies participated in - how awesome is that? And guess what, Smooth & Sidekick won a prize for finding the most ducks!

And that's it for now! But don't you worry, I'll be back soon with another blog post. Until then, happy learning and growing!