Did someone say it's party time?

blog week 1&2

Bert Gabriëls


blog week 1&2

The audience


Week 7 and 8 already? Time flies when you're having fun! And yes, that statement can be taken quite literally, as there was something super-duper exciting in store for us this week. I bet you can't wait to find out what it is, right? Well, I'm not going to keep you in suspense any longer. It's time to party! 🎉🎉🎉 Got it? Good! 😉

Okay no seriously... Smooth and @Sidekick merged! And that of course calls for a launch party: the #Us-launchparty! Whoo-hoo! ...Oh we laughed heartily with Bert Gabriëls and his hilarious jokes. A little humor here and there... love it! 😆

A small side note: Working the next day was pretty tough, oh well... it was worth it! 😅 A good painkiller works wonders, right? 😉

I spent the rest of my time just finishing up my projects. In the meanwhile, I've already gotten new projects to work on, which helps me stay occupied. My current projects include creating a web design for Doublepass and designing an email template for dataMinds Connect incorporating a superhero theme presented in a comic style, which is actually quite enjoyable.

I'm looking forward to the next weeks, as I'm sure they'll be just as exciting as the last ones. And hey, don't forget to keep an eye out for my next blog post! Until then, happy learning and growing!